The decentralized, patient-centric platform for clinical trials

In the face of COVID-19, around 85% of all clinical trials have been delayed and on average, just 7% of enrolled patients complete a trial. Climedo's DCT platform (Decentralized Clinical Trials) enables you to implement clinical trials in a patient-centric, flexible and decentralized manner – both during the pandemic and beyond.

DCT – ready for the future?

Collect high-quality data for your clinical trials with our Electronic Data Capture (EDC) solutions.

Patients receive reminders via various devices (smartphones, tablets, wearables) and fill out their patient diaries online. Integrate medical wearables and bring the clinical trial to patients' homes with remote televisits.

Climedo Ecosystem

Hybrid studies

With Climedo, you'll be perfectly equipped for DCTs: Hybrid studies can be easily combined with our modules such as eCOA/ePRO, eCRF, eConsent and eSurveys.

Increase your data quality with our DCT platform and conduct studies quickly, securely and cost-effectively. In addition, patient safety is significantly improved in case of serious adverse events (SAEs) thanks to real-time overviews.

Patient recruitment & retention

With eConsent, patients can inform themselves in peace at home and read, understand and sign the consent documents. During the study, the electronic patient diary (eDiary/ePRO) automatically reminds participants of upcoming reports by SMS or e-mail – without an app.

This allows decentralized, close-meshed monitoring and long-term patient follow-ups. This not only increases patient compliance but also relieves the burden on doctors.

Real-World Data (RWD)

Clinical trial designs are becoming increasingly complex, which is why we need larger and more diverse pools of study participants. Real-World Evidence (RWE) can be applied to clinical trials with the latest technological advances on a whole new level.

In this way, real-world data (RWD) can be merged via our interfaces and enriched with existing data, such as laboratory data and electronic patient records (ePR).

Product Demo

We offer different packages and prices - tailored to you and your needs.

We'll show you how to start a clinical trial or survey and address your specific needs and desires.

Advantages with Climedo


Focus on patient centricity and improve your patient recruitment and retention.


Thanks to purely electronic data capture and a one-time set-up, your clinical trials are quickly and easily scalable for future projects.


A unified, centralized and cloud-based platform connects all clinical trial participants in a cost-effective, secure and decentralized way. View all data points and developments in real time.


Collect more valid data faster through electronic data capture and flexible patient participation.


Improve your database with a more diverse patient population. Thanks to the siteless setting, people from different countries, both male and female, and regardless of age or physical limitations can take part.


Complement your offline recruiting with online recruiting strategies and access new patient groups. Our partners will support you in this.


Lower the burden on your sites with reduced duplicate entries, automated data capture via wearables and direct patient input.


The Climedo system is audited according to relevant standards and guidelines such as ICH GCP, GAMP5, FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11.


Data security

Made in Germany

At Climedo, data security comes first. Our hosting partner, from whom we lease servers, is 27001 certified (ISO 27001 – Standards for Information Security Assurance). In addition, we rely on strong data separation and state-of-the-art encryption methods. At the federal level, our system has also been tested by the BSI and the BfDI.



Patient Compliance

Thanks to the simple handling (independent of location or device), the intuitive usage and the automated reminders, you'll see higher participation and completion rates.


Higher data quality

Direct patient feedback and paperless data collection will improve your data quality. With Climedo, the error-prone transfer of paper to Excel sheets and illegible handwriting become a thing of the past.


Time savings

Faster results thanks to automated processes, reusable forms and decentralized study designs as well as remote monitoring.

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Product Demo
We offer different packages and prices - tailored to you and your needs.