Climedo for the Public Health Sector
Strengthening pandemic resilience together
Strengthening pandemic resilience together
The Climedo Portal enables you to digitalize your infection control processes and automate the communication between citizens and health office staff.
At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, Climedo developed its Symptoms eDiary for the public health service in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) (Project profile). The possibility for contacts and index cases to transmit their symptomatology digitally and automatically to their public health authority was the beginning for today's Climedo Portal.
To strengthen the pandemic resilience of the public health service, Climedo offers a seamless and digital process chain in infection control. This is achieved through interfaces to several Infection Protection Act (IPA) software application. The focus is on ensuring digital communication between citizens and public health authorities without media discontinuity and with GDPR compliance data protection regulations. The connection of the Climedo Portal to the software applications allows for interoperable support by means of automated and digital workflows in the processing of notifiable infectious diseases. Subsequently, corresponding modules can be activated in the Climedo Portal and data can be queried from the citizen via smartphone, tablet or PC and certifications can also be sent to these devices.
Benefit from the functionalities of the Climedo Portal with an interface to your IPA software application – interoperable, customizable and in real time.
Climedo's digital Citizen Portal has been certified by "Projektbüro Digitale Tools", an initiative of Germany's Public Health Academy.
With this certificate, the Climedo Citizen Portal has been included in the list of applications recommended for use in German health offices.
The tool convinced PDT's technical and professional expert advisory board as part of a five-stage evaluation process. One decisive factor was the fact that it is already being broadly used in more than 160 public health offices. Thanks to Climedo, workflows are simplified for health offices and employees' workload is significantly reduced. At the same time, the Citizen Portal supports the health offices on their way to digitalization thanks to important criteria such as interoperability, scalability and data protection.
The input of data by citizens with direct transfer to various software applications reduces the processing time from 30 minutes to 30 seconds.
Close and rapid interaction with and education of citizens increases transparency and builds greater trust.
Data quality is ensured by paperless data collection and a high response rate.
The Symptoms eDiary has already been successfully implemented in over 160 counties across Germany.
Around 1.8 million citizens have been registered as index cases and contacts in the Climedo Portal.
Over 25 million electronic links to the Climedo Portal have been sent via email or SMS.
The Symptoms eDiary achieves a response rate of 90%.
At Climedo, data security is a top priority. Our servers are officially certified in the field of information security (ISO 27001 - Standards for Information Security Assurance). In addition, we rely on strong data segregation and state-of-the-art encryption procedures. On a federal level, our system has also been audited by the BSI and the BfDI.
The case is registered in Climedo with a single click in the IPA software application by the health office staff. The link is sent by email or SMS.
Citizens fill out the questionnaire in the simple and intuitive user interface.
Automatic transfer of data from Climedo to the software application after input by citizens.
The functionalities of the Climedo Portal can be activated individually thanks to its modular structure. The three-month cancellation period also offers full flexibility.
Following data entry by citizens, an automatic, interoperable transfer of master and reporting data from Climedo to the respective IfSG specialist application takes place – seamlessly and in real time.
Direct access to the Climedo Portal allows for individual data queries, evaluations and visual analyses through self-administration.
Anika Staack, Clerk, German Health Office
Garmisch-Partenkirchen Health Office